On my offshore vessel when two fore diesel generators are working the crew observes uncomfortable noise and vibration in accommodation. Can you help me?
We confront a similar situation. On this vessel, our Service Engineers found out that these two diesel engines, that were powering generators, were also powered by hydraulic clutch two FiFi pumps.
Cross-check of alignment FiFi pumps – diesel engines and diesel engines – generators was performed. Additionally, vibrations were measured for whole sets during their operation.
Results from vibration measurement did not show any abnormalities in their operation. All measured values were within ISO and makers limits. There was also no significant frequency component indicating a source of the problem. However, alignment between one of the generator and diesel engine and between both FiFi pumps clutches – diesel engines was over makers’ limits.
The recommendation was to perform the alignment of these machines and additionally install a rubber compensator on the delivery side of pumps to reduce the spreading of vibration on the ship’s superstructure.
#DieselGenerators #ExcessiveNoise #VibrationIssues #MarineEngineering #OffshoreVessel #VibrationAnalysis #NoiseReduction #HydraulicClutch #FiFiPumps #GeneratorAlignment #MarineMachinery #ServiceEngineers #VibrationMeasurement #ISOStandards #MechanicalAlignment #RubberCompensator #ShipSuperstructure #EngineDiagnostics #NoiseControl #MarineMaintenance #PreventiveMaintenance #MarineOperations #VesselComfort #TechnicalSolutions #ShipMaintenance #ShipVibration #MarineTechnology