Magnetic coupling with minor damage- ME FO circulating pump

The object of analysis was the ME Fuel Oil circulating pump.


Measurement points on el. motor.


Measurement points on the pump.

High vibrations were observed on the pump and el. motor.


On the FFT spectrum were observed typical harmonics for coupling damage.

FFT from point H1-el. motor.

FFT from point H3-pump.

The Crew confirmed our diagnosis.

The signals after maintenance dropped significantly.

#FuelOilPumpAnalysis #VibrationAnalysis #MachineDiagnostics #CouplingDamage #FFTSpectrum #MaintenanceSuccess #PredictiveMaintenance #ConditionMonitoring #RotatingEquipment #IndustrialMaintenance #MachineryHealth #VibrationDiagnostics #EquipmentReliability #PreventiveMaintenance #EngineeringSolutions #IndustrialEquipment #MachineMaintenance #PumpDiagnostics #ElectricMotor #VibrationMonitoring #MachineryDiagnostics #MaintenanceEngineering #FaultDetection #RotatingMachinery #PredictiveMaintenance #MaintenanceEngineering #MachineHealthAnalysis