Pre-Purchase Survey
A Pre-Purchase Survey is a crucial step for Ship Owners or Asset Managers seeking to alleviate concerns and ensure the sea-worthiness of a vessel before acquisition. This inspection aims to uncover any technical issues within critical systems and machinery, providing a comprehensive assessment of the vessel’s condition. Particularly essential for vessels that have undergone structural modifications, major refits, repair work, or are post Lay-up, our survey offers peace of mind and protects your investment.
Our range of services during the Pre-Purchase Survey mirrors those offered for new building vessels, providing a thorough evaluation of the vessel’s condition:
- Identification of Unusual Vibration or Noise: We meticulously detect and analyse any abnormal vibrations or noises, offering insights into potential underlying issues within the vessel’s machinery or structure.
- Evaluation of Rotating Machinery Condition: Our experts assess the condition of rotating machinery, addressing problems related to structural issues or resonance to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
- Engine-Related Issue Diagnosis: From monitoring fuel consumption to identifying unit imbalances, we scrutinize all aspects of engine performance, addressing inefficiencies or malfunctions proactively.
- Torsional Vibration Measurements: Precise measurements of propulsion line torsional vibrations verify shipyard calculations, ensuring alignment with design specifications for Main Engine RPM speed.
- Propulsion Line Displacement and Vibration Measurements: This provides valuable insights into the condition of the entire propulsion line, including stern tube bearings, gearboxes, Main Engine, and propeller.
- Hull Vibration Analysis: Comprehensive analyses determine if vibrations across all Main Engine RPM speeds fall within acceptable limits, safeguarding both performance and structural integrity.
- Noise and Comfort Measurements: Adhering to MLC guidelines, we conduct thorough assessments of onboard noise levels and comfort, ensuring compliance with international standards and enhancing crew welfare.
Furthermore, data collected during the Pre-Purchase Survey may contribute to Insurance Valuation reports required by Insurance Companies. It also covers the renewal of certain Class notations, such as MLC-Accom, ensuring compliance and enhancing the vessel’s operational capabilities.
Our Pre-Purchase Survey is indispensable for thoroughly inspecting critical systems, providing invaluable insights, and safeguarding your investment. With our expertise, you can proceed with confidence, knowing that your vessel acquisition is backed by comprehensive evaluation and analysis.